Saturday, September 9, 2017

"I'm cautiously optimistic" (Green Grape Cobbler)

When I told the group I bringing this to that I was planning to make them Green Grape Cobbler the general reaction was pretty equal to the quote from one of the people on the event page "I'm cautiously optimistic". Cautiously optimistic is also how I felt about it after reading the recipe. Grapes, sour cream & brandy? On the one hand, nothing was wrong with the ingredient list, but because it was a combination I'd never encountered I was feeling a little cautious. I admit I might not have tried it without this project motivating me.
 Grapes soaked in brandy & lime juice, ground up cookies/walnut base
You're looking at layer of cookie/walnut base, sour cream grape filling, and caramel drizzle. When one of my friends went back for seconds I knew it was hit.
Not low sugar, low-fat, or dairy free. Described by one happy person as "soul food"
Difficulty Level: Medium
Will It Get Made Again? Realistically probably not. As much love as this got (which was a lot) I'm a baker at heart and more likely to whip another Blueberry Poundcake than make this again. Not because I didn't like, I did, but because there are just other things I love more.

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